PlainNews Tamil - Series, News Viewer/Browser app description

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welcome to myfirst blog about my android app, PlainNews Tamil.

This app was written by me, for me to read the news quickly, and only I prefer to view. Because of hurried nature to todays lifestyle, and also many irrelevant (atleast to me!)  are in front line or Highlighted more.

Traditionally all news papers feed news the reader what publisher wishes. sometimes biased too.
To neutralise this problem I made all headlines with same focus, font size etc. So that I can choose article based on my preferance and not publishers highlights.
The app is published on the google play store, if somebody have similar internest.
Technically its same as a browser used to view the news internet, but uncolored, makes fast reading possible, less data used too. Regarding the image inside newsarticle is by default not downloaded, only I like to see. (Some times only logo only will be there!. ) where ever possible these dummy images removed from view.

Data ownership and credits and demerits always with publishers.

Some times the publisher highligts a news in many locations, categories etc, those will appear repeatedly, but they are not problem of app, Its intended by the publisher. 

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